
About us


Aircraft professionals since 1999

  • Buying, selling, trading, leasing.
  • Valuation and appraisal
  • Import and export
  • International delivery
  • Experienced aircraft owners

Southern Aircraft Sales Ltd operates a digital classifieds aviation marketplace that connects aircraft owners, operators, agents, brokers and dealers worldwide.

We are the only digital aviation classifieds company in the world that are also experienced aviation valuers.


Global online digital aviation marketplace
Southern Aircraft Sales Ltd is not biased towards only one industry sector or market/continental region. 

We are not just another digital media company
Our foundations are in the business of owning, trading and delivering aircraft internationally.
We are experienced pilots and aircraft owners, we know precisely the information thay buyers are looking for.
Our business is aeroplanes and helicopters - our listings are free of other Google type advertising clutter.

We provide aviation valuations
Southern Aircraft Sales Ltd is the only aviation classifieds company in the world industry accredited to do this.

Responsive is our reputation
New listings are published promptly.
Any issues with updating, removing or moderating are resolved quickly.

SOLD listed are promptly removed
Southern Aircraft Sales Ltd is decades past needing to keep 'SOLD' listings published like a sales trophy.

Only high quality listings, because there are only two things that count in this business;
All listings need to meet the highest standard possible - so that our viewers/buyers are interested.
As a direct result of having viewers/buyers interested - our customers receive value for money.


We do business is 100+ countries, the top 50 are:
Argentina - Australia - Austria - Belgium - Brazil - Bulgaria - Canada - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Croatia - Czechia - Denmark - Ecuador - Estonia - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Indonesia - Italy - Jamaica - Japan - Kenya - Lithuania - Malaysia - Mexico - Netherlands - New Zealand - Nigeria - Norway - Papua New Guinea - Peru - Philippines - Poland - Portugal - Puerto Rico - Romania - Singapore - Slovenia - Spain - South Africa - Sweden - Switzerland - Thailand - Turkey - Uganda - UK - USA - Venezuela


Digital marketing is the most effective way get any aircraft in front of buyers;
Instant and global reach in real time.
Effective and competitive, considerably more bang for buck.
Few word or image limits.
Any updates are communicated to market immediately.
Fast and powerful search tools.


1999  Southern Aircraft Sales was founded in Christchurch, New Zealand by entrepreneur, pilot and aircraft owner Justin Sollitt.  The business operated part time in trading and leasing light aircraft. 

2003  The business was incorporated and digitised. With considerable full time drive Southern Aircraft Sales Ltd (SASL) quickly became a leading aviation brokerage in the Australasia / Pacific region.

2004  Aircraft valuations were added to SASL professional business services. 

2005  International aircraft delivery was added to the aircraft brokerage services.

2012  Classified adverts were added to SASL business services in tandem with the traditional aircraft brokerage.

2013  Traditional aircraft brokerage services ceased in favour of fix price classified advertising worldwide.

2017  This upgraded digital classifieds platform commenced development, going live in 2018.

Founder Justin Sollitt reflects;'
"Southern Aircraft Sales is best known for breaking the mold of traditional aircraft and helicopter sales yards in the Australasia / Pacific region in the early 2000s, by pioneering an aviation brokerage that operated purely digitally at a time when the internet was in its infancy and the term 'ecommerce' was largely unheard of."

"Back then websites were the poor cousin to traditional sale yards and print advertising right across the transport industry - what SASL was doing then was regarded as avant-guard and progressive."

"Nevertheless, in the time SASL has been in this business the aircraft sales industry has changed significantly, and even what SASL was pioneering digitally in the early 2000s is now the industry standard, where the business has needed to constantly change and adapt."